* HASH 遊び [#bc41be9f]

** sha1 [#n0299a00]

 php -r 'echo sha1("engineering");'
 echo -n 'engineering' |  perl -lne 'use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex);  print sha1_hex("$_")'
 perl -le 'use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex); print sha1_hex("engineering");'
 echo -n 'engineering' | openssl dgst -sha1

** md5 [#a1f769f3]

 php -r 'echo md5("engineering");'
 echo -n 'engineering' | perl -lne 'use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); print md5_hex("$_")'
 perl -le 'use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); print md5_hex("engineering");'
 echo -n 'engineering'| openssl dgst -md5

** hex [#j826bff3]

 echo -n 'engineering' | perl -lne 'print unpack("H*", $_)'
 perl -le 'print unpack("H*","engineering");'


 echo '656e67696e656572696e67' | perl -lne 'print pack("H*", $_)'
 perl -le 'print pack("H*", "656e67696e656572696e67")'


- [[Linux/hexへの変換方法]]

* デコード(というよりCrack) [#d938c905]

- http://passcracking.com/
- http://www.cmd5.org/

- http://www.freerainbowtables.com/
- http://rainbowtables.shmoo.com/
- http://lastbit.com/md5password/default.asp
- http://www.stottmeister.com/blog/2009/04/14/how-to-crack-md5-passwords/
- http://bogus.jp/pukiwiki/index.php?%A5%D1%A5%B9%A5%AF%A5%E9%A5%C3%A5%AF

* OpenSSL をつかう。 [#g68f7949]

openssl には次のアルゴリズムが対応している。

 options are
 -c              to output the digest with separating colons
 -d              to output debug info
 -hex            output as hex dump
 -binary         output in binary form
 -sign   file    sign digest using private key in file
 -verify file    verify a signature using public key in file
 -prverify file  verify a signature using private key in file
 -keyform arg    key file format (PEM or ENGINE)
 -signature file signature to verify
 -binary         output in binary form
 -engine e       use engine e, possibly a hardware device.
 -md5            to use the md5 message digest algorithm (default)
 -md4            to use the md4 message digest algorithm
 -md2            to use the md2 message digest algorithm
 -sha1           to use the sha1 message digest algorithm
 -sha            to use the sha message digest algorithm
 -sha224         to use the sha224 message digest algorithm
 -sha256         to use the sha256 message digest algorithm
 -sha384         to use the sha384 message digest algorithm
 -sha512         to use the sha512 message digest algorithm
 -mdc2           to use the mdc2 message digest algorithm
 -ripemd160      to use the ripemd160 message digest algorithm


 # echo -n 'engineering' | openssl dgst <algorithm>

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